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Ideas in computer architecture | Behind Tech

8 ideas of computer architecture:

(anna university - CS8491 )


   Nearly trillion of ideas were arouse in past years .But most of them were unsuccessful and some are replaced by others. I am here to explain top 8 ideas of computer architecture .  

Eight Ideas

1. Design for Moore's Law
2. Use Abstraction to Simplify Design3. Make the common case fast
4. Performance via parallelism
5. Performance via pipelining
6. Performance via prediction
6. Hierarchy of memories
8. Dependability via redundancy

For your better understandings , I differentiated those ideas in simple manner . Lets gohead.

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1. Design for Moore's Law

·       Gordon Moore ( one of founders of Intel ) had made an prediction in IC capacity growth( in 1965 ) , that is Moore’s law .


·       As computer designs can take upto some  years , between the start and finish of the project , the resources available per chip can easily double(2*x) or quadruple(4*x) . So prediction is in absolute perfect.

·         Icon used :"up and to the right" graph ( represents rapid change )

2. Use Abstraction to Simplify Design

·       Computer architects and programmers had found a major productivity technique for hardware and software is to use abstraction way of approach.

·       Abstraction - lower-level details are hidden to offer a simpler model at higher levels.

·       Icon used: abstract painting icon (represents hard to understand implementation).

3. Make the common case fast

·      Optimizing rare cases are not more effective and it was a tedious process , so making common cases as fast as possible idea rolled high in computer architecture field.

·       It is simple but need careful experimentation and measurement .

·       Icon used: sports car icon (represents fast way )

4. Performance via parallelism

·       When we do operations in series ( one after another manner ) manner , there must be long wait and poor CPU utilization , so parallelism concept arouse .

·       Doing parallel process effectively increases performance.

·       Icon Used : multiple jet engines of a plane (represents uniform engine run)


5. Performance via pipelining

·       Pipelining- Pipelining is an implementation technique in which multiple instructions are overlapped in execution since execution of instruction one after another is of poor .

·       Pipelining improves performance by increasing instruction throughput and conserve time .

·       Icon Used : pipeline icon ( represents sequence of pipes, with each section representing one stage of the pipeline )

6. Performance via prediction

Prevention is better than cure , as proverb reveals here. Most of risks are predictable.

This mechanism to recover from a misprediction is not too expensive and the prediction is relatively accurate.

Icon Used: fortune-teller's crystal ball ( represents predicting future )


7. Hierarchy of memories

·       Memory plays a vital role in computer , since majority of cost of computer is because of memory . 

·       Based on size , cost and speed , hierarchy of memory is made . At top high speed, high cost and low size ones and at bottom viceversa.

·       Icon Used: a layered triangle icon ( represents size & performance )

8. Dependability via redundancy

Computers not only need to be fast; they need to be dependable on one another. This made effectively by applying redundancy. 

·  Since any physical device can fail, systems can made dependable by including redundant components. These components can take over when a failure occurs and to help detect failures

·     Icon Used: the tractor-trailer ( one wheel id dependable on other , if one failure other will manage )