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7 Best Artificial Intelligence Movies You May Watch

 Best Artificial Intelligence Movies to Watch in 2021

Those are the best artificial intelligence movies we think you should watch in 2021. They explore almost every facet of AI, including friendly helper ones, those who feel emotions, and even artificial intelligence that wants to destroy the human race.

1. The Matrix Series (1999)

If you haven’t seen The Matrix yet, I want you to stop whatever you are doing right now and start the binge-fest. Yeah, literally. There’s a reason why The Matrix trilogy is one of the critically acclaimed movies in the sci-fi space. The plot is set in a dystopian future and revolves around computer programmer Thomas Anderson, better known under the alias Neo. He learns the truth about the simulated world where Earth’s population is trapped in a simulated reality. What follows is a surreal storyline that is guaranteed to keep you hooked.

After completing The Matrix, do not forget to check out its sequels — The Matrix Reloaded (2003) and The Matrix Revolutions (2003). You will also be glad to know that a fourth installment is coming in December later this year.

2. The Social Dilemma (2020)

Another excellent depiction of social media’s influence in our lives is The Social Dilemma. It consists of interviews with ex-employees who helped shape social media as we know it today. Ones that use AI algorithms to analyze your data and build an online profile to serve you better ads and recommendations.

3. A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)

A.I. Artificial Intelligence is set in the 22nd century, where global warming has made coastal cities a thing of the past. In this world, there exist Mecha (humanoid robots) that lack emotions and empathy. One such Mecha robot is David, but what makes David different is that David is the first Mecha capable of experiencing emotions. Want to know what happens next? Check out this artificial intelligence movie right now.

4. Wall-E (2008)

Who doesn’t love a cute, wholesome little robot? Wall-E is a garbage collecting robot left on Earth to clean it up after humans abandoned the planet and took refuge in space stations. That’s when Eve (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator), another robot, is sent to Earth to check if there are any other remaining signs of life.

5. Transcendence (2014)

Transcendence is a sci-fi thriller starring Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Rebecca Hall, and several other popular actors. It starts with scientist Will Caster’s partner and wife Evelyn going a step ahead and uploading Will’s consciousness into a quantum computer when his life is threatened. What Will chooses to do in his new virtual form is what drives the storyline from here.

6. I, Robot (2004)

I, Robot is a movie that revolves around artificial intelligence-backed humanoid robots. Though they are designed to help humans in day-to-day tasks, the plot thickens when a humanoid robot is suspected of murdering a scientist. Directed by Alex Proyas, the movie has Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan, Bruce Greenwood, and James Cromwell in the lead roles.

7. Tron: Legacy (2010)

Tron: Legacy is the sequel to the popular 1982 sci-fi adventure movie Tron. Following his father’s disappearance, the protagonist manages to discover and enter the digital world created by his father. Interestingly, his father has been trapped in there for 20 years, and his AI clone now rules the movie’s digital world. Notable cast in Tron: Legacy includes Garrett Hedlund, Jeff Bridges, Olivia Wilde, Bruce Boxleitner, and Michael Sheen.