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What is Progressive web apps?-Behind tech

Progressive web apps.png
progressive web apps is also known as PWA. It gives instant access to  some website from home screen like apps. PWA is also available for desktop. In 2007 steve jobs introduced iphone with web apps is written with Html 5.Later in 2015 chrominum browser engineer developed Proggressive web apps(PWA).It is the fast growing technology used by some popular websites like

  • Instagram
  • Flipkart
  • Flipboard
  • Twitter
What is Progressive web apps?

Progressive web apps are the traditional web apps that is enhanced with modern technologies,allowing users more app like experience.

These apps will get their own window and shortcut on your taskbar (on Windows 10 and anything running Chrome) or an icon on your home screen (on Android devices and other smartphones). When you open them, they’ll load quickly thanks to the Cache API and IndexedDB, which stores the app’s resources and data on your device, allowing them to work even when they’re offline. Technologies like Service Workers and push notifications will allow the app to perform background tasks like syncing and sending you notifications even when they’re not running, like a native app. The Fetch API makes it faster and simpler for the app to request data. They have a Web App Manifest file, which provides a name, icon, author, and description that’s used when installing the app to your home screen or desktop. They’re always served via encrypted HTTPS, which means they’re secure and data can’t be tampered with in transit.