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Windows shortcuts keys

Windows shortcuts keys

Windows key  - open and close start menu
Win + a  - open action counter
Win + b - highlight the notification area
Win + c - launch cortana into listening mode
Win + d - switch between show desktop
Win + e - launch file explorer
Win + h - open the share charm 
Win + i - open the settings app
Win + k - open the connect pane to connect to wireless displays and audio devices
Win + l - look the device and go to the lock screen
Win + m - switch to the desktop and minimize all open windows
Win + o - look device orientation
Win + p - open project plane
Win + r - display the run dialogue box
Win + s - launch cortana , users can begin to type a query immediately
Win + t - cycle through the apps on the taskbar
Win + u - launch the ease of access center
Win + v - cycles through the notifications
Win + x - open the advanced menu in the lower left corner of the screen
Win + z - open the app specific command bar
Win + enter - launch narrator
Win + 1 , Win + 2 ....  - switch to the desktop and launch the Nth application in the taskbar
Win + spacebar - switch input language and keyboard layout
Win + tab - open task view
Win + , - peek at the desktop
Win + plus sign - zoom in
Win + minus sign - zoom out
Win + esc - close manager
Win + left arrow -  dock the active window to the left half of the monitor
Win + right arrow - dock the active window to the right half of the monitor
Win + up arrow - maximize the active window vertically and horizontally 
Win + down arrow - restore or minimize the active window
Win + shift + up arrow -  maximize the active window vertically and maintaining the current width 
Win + shift + down arrow - restore or minimize the active window vertically and maintaining the current width 
Win + shift + left arrow - with multiple monitors , move the active window to the monitor on the left 
Win + shift + right arrow - with multiple monitors , move the active window to the monitor on the right 
Win + home - minimize all non active windows , restore on second keystroke 
Win + PRNT SCRN  - take a picture of the screen and place it in the computer>picture>screenshot folder 
Win + ctrl + left / right arrow - switch to the next or previous desktop
Win + ctrl + d - create a new virtual desktop
Win + ctrl + f4 - close the current virtual desktop
Win + ? - launch the windows feedback app