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An Introduction to Artificial intelligence (AI)


a significant role in our evolution and establishing a human civilization. But many people (Elon Musk) believe that advancement in intelligence can create superintelligence it can threaten human existence.

"Within Thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence.shortly after the human era will be ended."-VERNOR VINGE.
85% of customer interactions are projected to be managed without a human by 2020. (Gartner)
Machine learning and AI are not the same. Machine learning is an instrument in the AI symphony — a component of AI. So what is Machine Learning — or ML — exactly? It’s the ability for an algorithm to learn from prior data in order to produce a behavior. ML is teaching machines to make decisions in situations they have never seen.
The most mainstream approach to ML is showing the algorithm a data set of situations and telling it what the right decision is — training a model. This is supervised Machine Learning. Once the model has been trained, we can feed new, more foreign data through the algorithm — and hopefully, the machine makes intelligent decisions in these new, foreign situations.