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How to disable Bloatware apps in redmi phones?

How to disable Bloatware apps in redmi phones?

App Method

  1. Go to google playstore
  2. Search miui hidden settings
  3. Download and install that app
  4. Now open the app
  5. Click manage app
  6. Now choose any google products apps like duo,photos,playstore,playmusic etc
  7. Then click disable button
  8. Now app will be disabled
ADB Method
  1. Setup ADB on your pc by Dowloading Tool
  2. Now extract the Tool to Dedicated Folder
  3. Now head over to the extracted folder, and click on the address bar. Now, type “cmd” and hit enter. Instantly, a command prompt window will open up in the ADB directory.
  4. Enable developer option in your Phone and then enable usb debugging
  5. Then Type adb devices
  6. Download Xiaomi Debloater from here
  7. Now, connect your smartphone and the Debloater will automatically detect your device. After that, just choose the app name and click on the “Uninstall” button and you are done. In case, you are not sure whether to uninstall an app or not, head over to XDA Forums and find the safe-to-uninstall list of apps in MIUI.